(above image courtesy of newyorker.com)
10. A second date? OK. You are starting to grow on me.
9. I swear I wasn't looking up!
8. Sorry Ms. Hayes but Mr. Juran said no to a sequel.
7. A ring? Just let me get my spare tire and I'll propose to you right now.
6. No, that dress does not make you look big.
5. I said "Brobdingnag" not "Your bra's big, Nag!"
4. I just don't date any woman over fifty...feet.
3. I've got a cousin Gulliver who would love to meet you.
2. Why don't you put me back in my Micro-Machine and we'll pretend this never happened.
1. Lilliput me down.
liipput me down!! heeeeee heeeee